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TouRural Booklet

The TouRural Awareness Campaign started in April 2024 and it is still going on! We are happy to inform you that a week ago, on the 5th of June 2024, Eurospeak gave a short presentation about the TouRural project to 8 VET providers of the furniture sector: 4 from Poland, 2 from Latvia, 1 from Spain and 1 from Greece.

Latvia, Spain and Greece are countries outside the partners’ consortium and it was very good that we had the chance to widen the impact of TouRural in the EU by reaching out to 3 more European countries apart from the 5 partners’ countries.

The presentation started with TouRural’s spot, developed by the coordinator Europea Slovakia, which was shown via the project’s website. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch it from here. Then the partnership of the project was presented together with its duration. TouRural’s flyer was the next tool presented, designed by VAEV from Austria with the contribution of all partners. TouRural’s flyer can be seen here on the project’s website.

Moving on, the main objective of the TouRural project was presented to attendees and then we continued with the Rural Tourism Business Guide led by LUETEB, the Italian partner always with the contribution of all partners. A special focus was given on Chapter 4 developed by Eurospeak which is titled: “Experiential tourism in rural areas itineraries: an opportunity for young resilience”. Focusing on the vocational skills that experiential tourism can include, we highlighted a brilliant idea: “How to combine rural tourism with teaching traditional furniture techniques”! Participants found it amazing as it included their sector. Especially some traditional techniques and methods of producing handmade pieces of furniture would be appropriate to combine with experiential tourism.

Next, we proudly presented the Green Podcasts produced by VAEV in collaboration with Eurospeak. Haven’t you listened to them yet? Now is the time! Click here, choose which podcast would you like to listen to and enjoy!

Last but not least, TouRural’s Booklet developed by Eurospeak, including Europea’s Slovakia and LUETEB’s notes, was presented for the first time and the comments were very positive! Attendees were enthusiastic about its clear content and its easy-to-read design. You can check TouRural’s Booklet below:

TouRural Booklet

TouRural Booklet

Summing up, the whole presentation lasted for about half an hour and it was very satisfying to see that TouRural’s tools and deliverables gained attendees attention and received positive feedback!

For more news, stay tuned and also follow TouRural FB page !

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